Results of the INSPIRE Hack 2017

Adapted from Freepik design


The INSPIRE Hack 2017 was finalised on Tuesday 5th September 2017 at the INSPIRE Conference 2017. We had in total 11 teams working on interesting projects using open data, volunteered geographic information and citizen observatories.

All 11 teams presented their results to the audience and to the jury. The jury members included:

  • Karen Fullerton, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Digital Economy Unit, Italy
  • Jitka Faugnerová, Czech Environmental Information Agency, Czech Republic
  • Marie-Francoise Voidrot, Open Geospatial Consortium, France

Each team was evaluated by the jury based on the following criteria:

  1. INSPIRE, COPERNICUS and GEOSS relevance
  2. Innovation
  3. Environmental/societal value
  4. Interoperability

As a result the jury announced the three best teams/applications of the INSPIRE Hack 2017:

  1. TEAM 4 – 3D Open Land Use (Leader:Karel Jedlicka/University of West Bohemia)
  2. TEAM 8 – Geospatial User Feedback (Leader: Joan Masó/CREAF-UAB)
  3. TEAM 5 – Linked Data Generation (Leader: Raul Palma/PSNC)

The winner obtained a possibility to write a joint article that will be submitted to the International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research (, free webinar from BLB ( and propagation of the application through Plan4all, DataBio, NextGEOSS and SKIN websites and social media.

You can find all the presentations of the 11 hack teams at

INSPIRE Hack – Find your farm producer – Update 2

In addition to the Czech Republic, the team was strengthened by two other partners from Finland (Lahti University of Applied Sciences) and Italy (University of Foggia – a partner of the SKIN project (, who added test farm data to the shared table:

Using principle of the SPOI (, the farm map was updated:

This application will be introduced as a pilot version during the INSPIRE Hack 2017 (

We are planning to carry on our activities, so we would like to invite other partners to join our team and put your farm data.

Another upcoming Hackathon will held in Pilsen, in the Czech Republic on October 2-3, 2017, where we are going to introduce an enhanced version of this app with additional features.

Pleas find more about the following event:

Do you want to join this team? Please contact a team leader

INSPIRE Hack – Find Your Farm Producer Update

A database was created in the form of an excel spreadsheet where you can add data – farm name, coordinates, description, contacts, products and other activities
The table for filling in the data is at the following address:

WirelessInfo, as one of the partners of the SKIN project (, has completed testing data from the Czech Republic – 18 farms that sell products from the farm yard or have some added value.
Using principle of the SPOI ( a sample application was created by West Bohemian University in the form of a map where the data inserted into a table is visualized on the map.
Link to test map here:

Next goals:

Find other partners and get more farm data

The application will be accompanied by a search window

We are looking for partners!!!
Do you want to join this team?

Do you have farms with interesting products in your country or area?
It’s simple to join us, just add farm data to a spreadsheet or contact the Team leader for more information
The application will be introduced at INSPIRE Hack 2017

More about INSPIRE Hack:

INSPIRE Hack – (Geo)DCAT Metadata Update

DataBio developers support the INSPIRE conference through organizing the Open Data, VGI and Citizen Observatories INSPIRE Hack. One of the latest achievements is a connection of three worlds through metadata: INSPIRE world, world of semantics and citizen world.

Lesprojekt, Spacebell and Sintef prepared a demo that shows the following story. Earth Observation data stored at Spacebell applications are described by INSPIRE metadata as requested by legislation. Such metadata are also online converted into the GeoDCAT format in order to support tasks related to semantisation. Moreover, Lesprojekt developed a convertor allowing to transform on-line GeoDCAT into KML and/or GeoJSON. Metadata may then be visualized through Google Earth and/or any GIS platform respecting KML/GeoJSON.

We would like to present through this demo the ideas of opening INSPIRE to IT as well as “wipe off” the border between metadata and data.

INSPIRE Hack – Linked Data Generation Update

This is an update of the linked data publication (OLU, OTM, SPOI and others) team – Dimitri (CZ), Raitis (LV), Sam (PL) and Raul (PL).

The first task for this group was to convert to RDF form OLU and OTM datasets from a PostgreSQL relational database. Because of OLU dataset depends on objects from other datasets (Corine, Urban Atlas, Cadastral Parcels) it also practically meant to convert all those objects to RDF form as well.

For the transformation, first ontologies for each of these datasets were generated. The ontologies generated are (available from ):

The next step was to carry out the transformation itself. For this process, we used the D2RQ Platform (, which uses mapping files (in RDF) to execute the transformation.

As we are dealing with huge pan-European datasets, not all the data was converted. We have decided to convert the following data:

  • Full Hilucs classification
  • Corine and Urban Atlas data for EU agriculture related lands (hilucs_code<200) & for main cities in Czech Republic (centers of NUTS3 regions), Poland (agglomeration areas from Urban Atlas) and Spain (agglomeration areas from Urban Atlas)
  • OLU data for agriculture related lands (hilucs_code<200) in CZ, PL, ES & for main cities in Czech Republic (centers of NUTS3 regions), Poland (agglomeration areas from Urban Atlas) and Spain (agglomeration areas from Urban Atlas)
  • OTM data for CZ, ES, PL; but RoadLinks only for FunctionalRoadClassValue of type: (‘mainRoad’,’firstClass’,’secondClass’,’thirdClass’,’fourthClass’) (see );

After the data was transformed, we loaded it to our triplestore in Virtuoso:

Additionally, we loaded the following datasets:

  • SPOI (provided by WRLS)
  • NUTS (open dataset)
  • Eurovoc (open dataset)
  • Emergel (provided by CTIC)

The current statistics (total # of triples in FOODIE triplestore:  701,286,392) are:

Dataset Name Graph in FOODIE endpoint Source Triples
OLU Transformed from PostgreSQL 127,925,971
SPOI Provided by WRLS (also available in FOODIE endpoint) 381,393,555
NUTS Open Source (available in FOODIE endpoint) 316,238
OTM Transformed from PostgreSQL 154,340,611


Dataset Name Graph in FOODIE endpoint Source Triples
Hilucs classification Transformed from PostgreSQL 397
Urban Atlas Transformed from PostgreSQL 19,606,025
Corine Transformed from PostgreSQL 16,777,533
Eurovoc Open Source (available in FOODIE endpoint) 425,667
Emergel CTIC (available in FOODIE endpoint) 256,239

Regarding the links, the datasets were generated already with some links. For instance, OLU has links to Urban, Corine and Czech cadaster. SPOI has links to different datasets including dbpedia and others

Hence the next step was to think about possible queries that could show the RDF data and their connections.

Regarding the links, the datasets were generated already with some links. For instance, OLU has links to Urban, Corine and Czech cadaster. SPOI has links to different datasets including dbpedia and others

Hence the next step was to think about possible queries that could show the RDF data and their connections.

Description Query
get info of POI instances in given polygon


PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX geof: <>
PREFIX virtrdf:    <>
PREFIX poi: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
  ?Resource rdfs:label ?Label .
  ?Resource poi:class ?POI_Class .
  ?Resource geo:asWKT ?Coordinates .
  FILTER(bif:st_intersects (?Coordinates, bif:st_geomFromText("POLYGON
  ((6.11553983198 54.438016608357, 6.95050076948 47.230985358357, 13.36651639448
   47.626493170857, 14.99249295698 54.701688483357, 6.11553983198 54.438016608357)
   )"))) .
get spois for given OLU
PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX geof: <>
PREFIX virtrdf:    <>
PREFIX poi: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX olu-instance: <>

  ?Resource rdfs:label ?Label .
  ?Resource poi:class ?POI_Class .
  ?Resource geo:asWKT ?Coordinates .
  FILTER(bif:st_intersects (?Coordinates, bif:st_geomFromText(?coordinates))) .
      SELECT bif:st_astext(?x) as ?coordinates
      FROM <>
      WHERE {
             olu-instance: geo:hasGeometry ?geometry.
             ?geometry geo:asWKT ?x
get number of SPOIs for given OLU
PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX geof: <>
PREFIX virtrdf:    <>
PREFIX poi: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX olu-instance: <>
SELECT count (*)
  ?Resource rdfs:label ?Label .
  ?Resource geo:asWKT ?Coordinates .
  FILTER(bif:st_intersects (?Coordinates, bif:st_geomFromText(?coordinates))) .
      SELECT bif:st_astext(?x) as ?coordinates
      FROM <>
      WHERE {
          olu-instance: geo:hasGeometry ?geometry.
          ?geometry geo:asWKT ?x
get OLU ids for given polygon
PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX geof: <>
PREFIX virtrdf:    <>
PREFIX poi: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>

  ?olu a <> .
  ?olu geo:hasGeometry ?geometry .
  ?geometry geo:asWKT ?x .
  FILTER(bif:st_intersects (?x, bif:st_geomFromText("POLYGON((15.88623046875
  50.66817794949724,17.05078125 50.66817794949724,17.05078125
  49.74711237803693,15.88623046875 49.74711237803693,15.88623046875
  50.66817794949724))"))) .
POIs of type hotel near the road of type first-class in a particular polygon
PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX geof: <>
PREFIX virtrdf:    <>
PREFIX poi: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX otm: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?Resource, ?Label, bif:st_astext(?coordinatesPOIa) as ?coordinatesPOI
  ?Resource rdfs:label ?Label .
  ?Resource poi:class <> .
  ?Resource geo:asWKT ?coordinatesPOIa .
  FILTER(bif:st_within(?coordinatesPOIa,bif:st_geomFromText(?coordinatesOTM),0.00045)) .
    SELECT bif:st_astext(?x) as ?coordinatesOTM
    FROM <>
    WHERE {
      ?roadlink a otm:RoadLink .
      ?roadlink otm:roadName ?name.
      ?roadlink otm:functionalRoadClass ?class.
      ?roadlink otm:centerLineGeometry ?geometry .
      ?geometry geo:asWKT ?x .
      FILTER(bif:st_intersects (?x, bif:st_geomFromText("POLYGON((14.426647
      50.0751251,14.426647 50.07685089,14.43054696 50.07685089,14.43054696
      50.0751251,14.426647 50.0751251))"))) .
      FILTER(STRSTARTS(STR(?class),"firstClass") ) .

Show me all the land parcels (OLU) that have hotels (SPOI) and that lie not more than 50 meters away from the major highway (OTM)?


(the following query returns land parcels objects that satisfy above mentioned criteria in part of Prague city center around IP Pavlova metro station.)


PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX geof: <>
PREFIX virtrdf:    <>
PREFIX poi: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX otm: <>
PREFIX olu: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?olu ?hilucs ?source ?municode ?specificLandUse

  ?olu a olu:LandUse .
  ?olu geo:hasGeometry ?geometry .
  ?olu olu:hilucsLandUse ?hilucs .
  ?olu olu:geometrySource    ?source .
          OPTIONAL {?olu olu:municipalCode      ?municode} .
          OPTIONAL {?olu olu:specificLandUse    ?specificLandUse} . 
  ?geometry geo:asWKT ?coordinatesOLU .
    SELECT DISTINCT ?Resource, ?Label, bif:st_astext(?coordinatesPOIa) as ?coordinatesPOI
    FROM <>
    WHERE {
       ?Resource rdfs:label ?Label .
       ?Resource poi:class <> .
       ?Resource geo:asWKT ?coordinatesPOIa .
       FILTER(bif:st_within(?coordinatesPOIa,bif:st_geomFromText(?coordinatesOTM),0.00045)) .
          SELECT bif:st_astext(?x) as ?coordinatesOTM
          FROM <>
          WHERE {
             ?roadlink a otm:RoadLink .
             ?roadlink otm:roadName ?name.
             ?roadlink otm:functionalRoadClass ?class.
             ?roadlink otm:centerLineGeometry ?geometry .
             ?geometry geo:asWKT ?x .
             FILTER(bif:st_intersects (?x, bif:st_geomFromText("POLYGON((14.426647
             50.0751251,14.426647 50.07685089,14.43054696 50.07685089,14.43054696
             50.0751251,14.426647 50.0751251))"))) .
             FILTER(STRSTARTS(STR(?class),"firstClass") ) .

Finally, the final task is to visualize the interlinked data on the map. For instance, here is a map, that shows the OLU polygons colored by the number of SPOI that lie inside them:;Land%20use%20parcels

When any OLU polygon is clicked – the information about the polygon and all the SPOI points that lie inside is displayed in a pop-up window.  The pop-up window is browsable i.e. when some object in it is clicked it expands and one can see information about that clicked object.

INSPIRE Hack – 3D Open Land Use Update

Two 3D application prototypes created

(24th of August)

The 3D-OLU team, consisting of DataBio project partners, has developed two application prototypes which are going to be presented at the INSPIRE HACK 2017. The first, let’s say a global app (3D-OLU), shows a visualization of Open Land Use in 3D, which can be combined with any web map service of user choice. The second app (Rostěnice Farm) presents the potential of 3D data visualization in a local area of interest.


This application visualises the Open Land Use dataset on top of the EU-DEM terrain model in a perspective view. Displaying the data in 3D environment helps the user to explore an area of interest in more natural way than a traditional map. Moreover, the user can add a web map service of his choice (as long as the WMS is in WGS84 coordinate system) to make custom 3D mash-ups. The technical details can be found here.

Rostěnice Farm

This application visualises geographical data in a 3D environment. This can help a farmer to better understand the farm fields. The farmer can explore the relation of the yield potential to the topography, slope, orientation and topography wetness index in his/her field. The farmer can check the parts of fields with steep slopes and how the machinery deals with them (checking the machinery tracklogs). The technical details can be found here.

The application uses the digital terrain model of fifth generation and the digital surface model of first generation produced by ČÚZK. This application is not yet publicly available, as we are awaiting an authorization from ČÚZK. At least, there is a video presentation.

Linked Data Generation – Progress

At the beginning we needed to convert to RDF form OLU and OTM datasets. Because the OLU dataset depends on objects from other datasets (Corine, Urban Atlas, Cadastral Parcels) it also practically meant to convert all those objects to RDF form also. So ontologies for all those objects have been proposed and after, there were written and run conversion scripts. As we are dealing with huge pan-European datasets, not all the data was converted. We have decided to convert just the data from some selected cities in Czech Republic (centers of NUTS3 regions), Poland (agglomeration areas from Urban Atlas) and Spain (agglomeration areas from Urban Atlas). After we had all data in RDF we started to think about possible queries that could show interlink the data. For instance, here is a map, that shows the OLU polygons colored by the number of SPOI that lie inside them:;Land%20use%20parcels

When any OLU polygon is clicked – the information about the polygon and all the SPOI points that lie inside is displayed in a pop-up window.  The pop-up window is browsable i.e. when some object in it is clicked it expands and one can see information about that clicked object.

Also we started to work on some queries that would bring together three mentioned datasets: OLU, OTM and SPOI. For instance, can be query such as: ‘Show me all the land parcels that have hotels and that lie not more than 50 meters away from the major highway?’ . This query does this job. It returns Open Land Use objects that satisfy abovementioned criteria in part of Prague city center around IP Pavlova metro station.

Now we are working on making some graphical interface were user could customize certain parameters from such query (i.e. type of SPOI, type of the road, buffer distance etc).

Webinar – INSPIRE Hack 2017 – Update & Last Invite

It is NOT too late! You can still join the INSPIRE Hack 2017. LEARN HOW you can contribute with your hacking skills to improve our use of Earth observations and VGI to better management of the ENVIRONMENT! Get updates from the team leaders.

Webinar: Thursday, Aug 24th, 3:00pm – 4:00pm CEST

Sign up at

We offer a unique opportunity to hack together with international teams. The INSPIRE Hack 2017 supports your contribution to solving environmental and social challenges through science and technology.

  • What is the INSPIRE Hack 2017? Learn about the history of this hackathon, the second of its kind. The topics of this year will be explained so you can see if it is a good match with your motivations and skills.
  • Open data: The INSPIRE Hack 2017 is all about making use of free and open data resources. Learn about the treasures of data made easily available for you in this hackathon.
  • The tools: The INSPIRE Hack 2017 make use of several tools developed in European and other projects.
  • Environmental challenges boiled down to hacking topics: Since July 2017 several specific topics that need be solved to make better use of Earth observations, VGI, and citizen science data, have been identified. 9 team leaders will present these topics for you to choose freely from.
  • What is in it for you? In addition to the opportunity to work in inspirational teams, there are immaterial rewards. Learn what we offer you in return for your engagement.
  • Last chance to participate: It is not too late! Work intensively the last days of August and deliver within 1. September.
    Become a member of the INSPIRE hackathon community and enjoy future hacks for the environment: The more the merrier. This European initiative is open to citizens of the world sharing the same interest for use of open data for solving environmental and societal challenges. You are the future!

If any of these issues and topics are of interest to you, then this live webinar is for you. Save your seat now.

3D Open Land Use Team

This is an update from the 3D Open Land Use project.

Integration of Cesium plugin to HS Layers NG

The project was divided into three phases. Firstly, an integration of Cesium into HS Layers NG was realized – this can be tracked on Github See folders examples/3d-olu and components/cesium at repository. There was also created a local copy of Cesium server ( for better performance.

Visualization of Open Land Use on top of EU-DEM

The second phase consisted of visualization of Open Land Use in a perspective view, to allow a 3D exploration of the dataset. When exploring the  default cesium terrain source, the team realized that the 30 meter resolution EU-DEM is already incorporated.Therefore the terrain source issue was off the table, as the team is not aware of any other more detailed but open source terrain source available at the moment. The “only” remaining issue to solve was then to visualize the Open Land Use WMS on top of the EU-DEM terrain. As using just one WMS leads to slow response times, the two following optimizations were made:

  • The land use is rendered from CORINE data for less detailed zooms. Talking technically: till WMS tiles of smaller scale than 1:200 000 are requested by Cesium. The detailed Open Land Use Map is displayed just in closer zooms.
  • For the closer zooms, land use polygons of just visible LAU2 municipalities are shown. The technical realization is as follows:
    • Bounding boxes of LAU2 municipalities are confronted with an observer’s line of sight. ID’s of positive matches are retrieved.
    • Only Open Land Use polygons of selected LAU2 municipalities are displayed.

The resultant application is depicted on following figure and is accessible at the address

Visualization of yield potential on top of detailed terrain

Third phase of 3D Open Land Use hack activity was focused on visualization in higher detail. Therefore a visualization of yield potential from a particular farm was chosen as a use case. A data about yield potential was calculated for Rostěnice farm (a DataBio project agriculture pilot area). This data was then placed on top of digital terrain and digital surface models produced as services by ČÚZK and a web application showing the data on digital surface model was created. Due to licensing issues there is no public link to the application, but we hope in successful agreement with data provider. Meanwhile, you can see the results at least in following video:

Future development and further ideas

The majority of the initial ideas have been achieved, but there are new ideas coming, such e.g. as:

  • Displaying detailed information about the OLU categories on click.
  • Exploring information about the correlation of yield potential value, local slope and aspect.
  • Displaying machinery paths on field.
  • Calculation of (at least rough) yield potential or fruit type detection from satellite data.

Thus, our team is still open to new developers wanting to join.