Duration: 08/2021-12/2023
Sub-grant agreement to the EUHubs4Data project on providing services and datasets for the EUHubs4Data open calls.
The European federation of Data Driven Innovation Hubs aims to consolidate as the European reference for data driven innovation and experimentation, fostering collaboration between data driven initiatives in Europe, federating solutions in a global common catalogue of data services, and sharing data in a cross-border and cross-sector basis.
With the objective of serving as reference to the establishment of the Common European Data Spaces, the federation is initially composed of 12 DIHs, covering 10 countries and 12 different regions, and plans to increase the geographical coverage by incorporating other relevant initiatives in the upcoming months.
Plan4all DIH is supporting two experiments which are as part of the third open call of EUH4Data:
- SBKN – SaveBiking is working with insurance companies to attract, through a mobility app that rewards users for sustainable mobility. It may seem obvious for common sense that “if you drive less you cause less accidents”, but insurance managers using conservative actuarial methods do not consider this a strong theory; in fact, for example, a low frequent driver may lose driving capabilities. We expect that an extensive experiment to verify those assumptions is going to not only help our startup business, but also generate useful knowledge for insurance companies. They will therefore push their clients to drive less, in favor of micromobility, convinced by our extensive actuarial experiment.
- OSM2TRAMOD – RoadTwin offers an online, cloud based application for transport modelling, TraMod Web App. The application needs to be fed by a detailed traffic model from the area of interest in order to provide reliable results. In the past, RoadTwin was able to create a usable traffic model from OpenStreetMap (OSM), but always with direct hands-on involvement of traffic engineers. In this experiment we would like to develop a set of tools (OSM2TraMod) for automated creation of a traffic model for any given city. This would allow us to create a cost-efficient TraMod Web App.