Title of experiment: MANDOLIN – sMart plAtform for regioNal fooD shOrt suppLy chaINs

DIH-WORLD and Experiment overview

Country and region: Czech Republic (a part of West Bohemia in the Posumavi Region)

The MANDOLIN experiment will run in part of West Bohemia in the Posumavi Region. Uhlava as Local Leader Group is a member of Plan4all and has also cooperation cross-border with Bavaria. The region is famous for a large number of small local food producers and there already exist solutions supporting local promotion and selling of these products. Target community will be small food producers. They have limited access to digital technologies supporting quality of production including food traceability, logistics and distribution. Also their support for consumers is limited. The goal of the experiment is to integrate existing data and tools in DIH, with technologies of Lesprojekt SME into a platform to overcome the lack of solutions for small producers.

Deliverable Description



Name of the DIH: Plan4all (P4ALL)

Plan4all (Plan4all z.s., K Rybníčku 557, 33012 Horní Bříza, Czech Republic)

Experiment Participant
Contact information: Tomas Mildorf ( and info@plan4all.)
Tel. +420 735 713 957
DIH Website:

DIH description

Plan4all is a DIH for cooperation and experimentation with specific focus is on geospatial or location based open data and their utilization in different domains including spatial/urban planning, rural development, transport, environment, tourism and precision/autonomous farming.

Plan4all is an umbrella organization of 60 partners from 22 countries including public bodies, universities, research organizations and business partners. Plan4all is a proud member of the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN) initiative, Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), Big Data Value Association (BDVA) and Research Data Alliance (RDA). Plan4all Association became one of the 133 Participating Organizations of the Group on Earth Observation (GEO).

DIH main services

  • The key services of the Plan4all DIH include:
  • Experimentation space on cloud including storage space
  • Service of cloud operator and possibility to install additional tools
  • Tools for development of new geospatial applications
  • Open geodata provision
  • Knowledge transfer

Additional information

Plan4all is a DIH for cooperation and experimentation with specific focus is on geospatial or location based open data and their utilization in different domains including spatial/urban planning, rural development, transport, environment, tourism and precision/autonomous farming.

Plan4all DIH is the main organizer of the INSPIRE Hackathons organized globally several times a year. The INSPIRE Hackathon is a collaborative event for developers, researchers, designers and others interested in open data, volunteered geographic information and citizen observatories. The main driving force for the INSPIRE Hackathon is provided by experts from existing EU projects, and its primary objective is to share knowledge and experience between the participants and demonstrate to wider audiences the power of data and information supported by modern technologies and common standards, originating from INSPIRE, Copernicus, GEOSS and other initiatives.


Partnership: Lesprojekt – služby (LESP)
Experiment Leader: Lesprojekt – služby s.r.o.
Karel Charvat (
SME name: Lesprojekt


Lesprojekt is an innovative company offering information and knowledge services for the agri food sector and forestry.


The company Lesprojekt has had a significant market position for more than 20 years and focuses primarily on business activities in the fields of services for the food industry, agrarian sector and forestry.

Company size: 10+

Digitization experience

It has experience from research and transferring the results of previous research activities are offered mainly in the form of services. Lesprojekt is member of Artemis network  Association strives for a leading position of Europe in Embedded Intelligence supporting activity in agrifood sector and Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition: GODAN


Services using spatial data offered as SaaS (software as a service), DaaS (Data as a Service ) and IoT solution) in various domains including agriculture, forestry, environment and rural development.

Type of clients: Public administration, farmers, food producers, foresters

Number of clients: 50+

Other relevant information

Role: Lesprojekt will integrate a platform supporting small food producers and sharing data across all chains. It will be responsible for deployment of IoT solutions on selected producers and also for integration of technology. After the project Lesprojekt will offer these services in the form of SaaS and DaaS to a network of producers and will be responsible for extension of these services in other regions.


The MANDOLIN experiment has one strategic objective and 6 operational objectives:

To support Regional Short Food Supply Chain by secure system to guarantee access to necessary knowledge related to food production from region and sharing knowledge across all chains including food producers, primary producers (farmers), retailers and consumers  in a secure form.

The result will be a prototype of a solution integrating in secure form IoT;  Data analytics; Artificial Intelligence; Cloud technologies, Interaction; Cybersecurity to support local production of food, circular economy and local consumption. Delivery in M6 of the project

O1: To build a local community of Stakeholders – food producers, farmers, resellers, local supporting organizations,  which will be included into the experiment.

O2: Implement Blockchain Technology on Lesprojekt cloud, which will be secure for integrating data of all members of the chain and which will allow the members of the chain to share information in trusted form.

O3: Implementing traceability tools for primary production supporting monitoring of quality of input for food production.

O4: Implementation of logistic solution, which will help optimize collection and transport of products and which will also monitor conditions during the transport

O5: The integration with the platform supporting selling of local production with data from production and logistics will be connected. This will give information to the consumer about the quality of production.

O6: Pilot validation of all chain.


The main challenge of the experiment is to integrate existing high level technological solutions into one platform and integrate it with block chain technologies to support production of small producers and regional circular economy and food safety. The SME food producers have limited access to digital technologies, information about production and also logistic tools. The solution will support regional innovation as well as the regional economy. The concept is to offer to small producers a cloud  platform combining principles of Software as a Services (SaaS) and  Data as a Services (DaaS).

This solution will not require investment for small producers, they will pay only for selected services. Other topics will be communication with primary producers on the basis of secure communication. Every partner will have possibilities to decide, with whom will be shared data. The solution will also support sharing of data about products with customers. The solution will be based on existing components, which were partly developed commercially, partly as part of previous projects and some of them were developed as part of INSPIRE Hackathons organized by Plan4all DIH.

SEMINAR: Use of satellite and sensor data in practice (April 28, 2022)

The seminar was held with the financial support of the DIH-World project funded under the European program H2020, grant agreement No. 952176