Final reports


  1. Further development and testing of the application for creating application maps – this is the development of SmartAgriculture applications in agriculture and their massive testing directly by farmers
  2. Analytical tools for WhiteBoard – MapWhiteBoard is a completely new solution for map work, a kind of Google document for maps that allows collaborative work
  3. Food transport monitoring – this is about promoting local food and implementing quality monitoring during transport
  4. Climate analysis in the field – analysis of local sensor data in vegetation, it’s about understanding local climatic influences
  5. Analysis and visualization of sensor measurements – integration of AI technology and new interactive data visualization methods
  6. IoT and EO data integration – improving agricultural production prediction. This is a development of a solution that was selected last year in the WSIS competition as one of 90 global innovative solutions
  7. OLU4Africa – leveraging existing data for Africa and creating a single Land Use and Land Cover map for the whole Africa
  8. How to use and improve OLU 2.0 – OLU 2.0 is a new data model that not only incorporates Land Cover and Land Use, but allows for easy integration of local and regional data to create unique databases for landscape and regional process modelling. It can be used for modelling environmental processes, in agriculture but also for economic models
  9. A new social space for geographic information sharing and education – this is a new kind of portal primarily for geographic data that allows easy participation of citizens, students and others and supports easy content creation. In doing so, it builds on the principles of INSPIRE and GEO.
  10. Integrating QFild with the Innovation Hub – developing field data collection tools based on existing Open Source Software
  11. Automating the calculation of management zones based on yield potential – this is a method that will make it easier to prepare basemaps for farmers based on analysis of historical imagery
  12. Building a social space for Africa – similar to Experiment 9 with a focus on Africa
  13. Agro Environmental Services – Uptake of Copernicus and INSPIRE to support agri – food and environmental opportunities
  14. Irrigation management – Irrigation management will provide recommendation for integration of existing climatic, IoT and Copernicus data.
  15. Drones utilization for crop protection – Utilisation of drones for crop monitoring and application of pesticides/herbicides
  16. Analysis, processing and standardisation of data from agriculture machinery for easier utilization by farmers – Machinery monitoring challenge will provide the analysis, processing and standardization of data from the agricultural machinery and thus its easier utilization by farmers.