Please find below the trans4num poster presenting all the main facts about the project in a visual way.
trans4num_poster_A3Author Archives: Tomas Mildorf
Open Call: Seeking Applicants for the PLUS Change Ambassadors of Change programme
PLUS Change is looking for candidates from different cultural and professional backgrounds to join our Ambassadors of Change programme. Selected Ambassadors will contribute to discussions on equitable land use, representing the interests of groups that are often excluded from or underrepresented in land use planning and decision making. By joining PLUS Change as an Ambassador, you can have a voice in helping to build a more equitable, sustainable future!
Find out more at

Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture (AgriAI’24) – IEEE – Call for paper
We cordially invite you to submit your original contributions to AgriAI’24 – the 2nd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture,
which will take place as a satellite workshop to IEEE FedCSIS 2024, to be held in Belgrade, Serbia, on 8–11 September, 2024.
Please see the workshop website: and the general conference web page for more information.
Paper submission deadline: May 14, 2024
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly used in agriculture for a variety of uses, from plant disease detection to weeding automation, soil status monitoring, crop prediction, irrigation management, and decreased use of resources for improving quality and productivity. This workshop welcomes contributions related to a wide variety of interdisciplinary research and applications related to artificial intelligence in agriculture. AI can, in fact, provide highly positive effects on precision agriculture by optimizing, automating and forecasting several aspects of farming and revolutionizing the sector, providing helpful information and driving decisions using multiple sources of data and different sensors.
Moreover, in the climate change era, AI can improve sustainability by optimizing the use of resources such as water and soil management. We welcome innovative contributions, early results and position papers addressing one or more of the topics listed below and intend to foster informal discussions and bring together researchers, practitioners and industry experts to explore the challenges and opportunities of AI and Agriculture. We look forward to receiving your submissions and seeing you at the workshop!
Papers related to theories, methodologies, and applications in science and technology in the field of AI in Agriculture are especially solicited. Topics covering academic research, applications and lesson learnt are included, but not limited to:
- Computer vision in agriculture
- Signal and image processing in agriculture
- Computational intelligence in agriculture
- Artificial intelligence in agriculture
- Decision support systems
- Expert systems & predictive systems
- AI-based precision agriculture
- Machine learning and pattern recognition
- IoT in agriculture
- Food and livestock management
- Big data
- Remote sensing
- Unmanned aerial vehicle vehicles
- Autonomous driving in agriculture
- Harvesting automation
- Robotics and robotic perception in agriculture
- Digital twins for agriculture
- Data space for agriculture
- Ethics and social impact of AI on agriculture
- AI-based crowd-sensing and participatory approaches in agriculture
- Applications in agriculture
A PoliRural Result Featured by the Innovation Radar of the EU
The RAI index mapping tool – a map-based analytical tool for assessment of attractiveness of European regions with a focus on rural area is featured by the Innovation Radar of the EU.
This innovation was assessed by the JRC’s Market Creation Potential indicator framework as having a “Noteworthy” level of Market Creation Potential.
Find out more at
PLUS Change Project Launch & Kick off Meeting
We are very excited to announce the launch of our project, PLUS Change (Planning Land Use Strategies: Meeting biodiversity, climate and social objectives in a changing world)!
202306_PLUS-Change_KoMSIEUSOIL Final Event
the SIEUSOIL project is in its final stage and you are all cordially invited to the final event presenting the key results.
Friday 25 November 2022 at 09:00 CET
More details at

A Webinar on 3rd Open Call of the EUHubs4Data Project
In the third call, with a total budget of 1.080K €, EUHubs4Data wants to select and finance 18 innovative experiments carried out by SMEs and entrepreneurs, making full use of the potential of the EUHubs4Data datasets and data driven services catalogue.
An info session in the form of a webinar will take place on October 25 at 11 AM CEST
Registration at:
More on the open call:
Three New Members of Plan4all
It’s our honour to welcome on board three new members including:
- RoadTwin (Czech Republic)
- Web2Learn (Greece)
- Socialinnolabs (Spain)
These oraganisations have become Associated Members of Plan4all.
The call for new members is active all the time and you can apply at:
JOINT Conference 2022
The University of West Bohemia is hosting the annual Joint Conference in Pilsen on 12 and 13 October 2022. The conference is held predominantly in Czech language. Selected presentations might be presented in English.
The programme, registration and other details can be found at:
During the conference a multiplier event of the LOTUS project will be held. The aim of the event is to introduce the audience with the LOTUS results including the curriculum, use cases, serious game and the LOTUS textbook.
The conference is supported by the project LOTUS project – KA2 Strategic Partnerships, Project No. 2019-1-DE01-KA203-004973 which is financed by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union.

S4AllCities H2020 Project | Pilot demo in Pilsen
S4AllCities is a European Commission-funded H2020 project aiming to enhance the safety and security of public spaces by integrating advanced technological and organizational solutions in a market oriented unified Cyber-Physical Security Management framework. All action was performed in a controlled environment fully respecting the “Do No Harm” principle of the European Commission. For more information on our project please visit our website: