Category Archives: INSPIRE Hack 2017
Open Land Use and Smart Points of Interest Visualisation Using WebGLayer js Library
TEAM LEADER: Dmitri Kožuch
TEAM MEMBERS: Dmitri Kožuch
PROJECT IDEA: The aim is to use WebGLayer visualization library to find correlation between Smart Points of Interest (SPOI) and Open Land Use datasets. Eventually the results can be used to define land use of an area by POI. For instance, if we know that museum POI is indicating that the area has Cultural Services (according to HILUCS classification) land use we can use this fact. Either for check (whether we have correctly defined land use of an area), or as well it can be used to make more detailed open land use dataset. And WebGLayer is just a nice tool to visualize SPOIs by the land use in which they lie according to Open Land Use Map.
Geospatial User Feedback
TEAM MEMBERS: Alaitz Zabala, Núria Julià…
PROJECT IDEA: We have a Geospatial User Feedback system called NiMMbus that allows to provide comments, ratings etc that can be associated with geospatial datasets on a catalogue using a data/metadata identifier. It is based in the Geospatial User Feedback standard in the Open Geospatial Consortium. We would like to demonstrate the value of including Geospatial User Feedback for INSPIRE catalogues. It will add the possibility to add user feedback and the possibility to see the feedback attached to a particular dataset that was previously provided, Experts on INSPIRE portals and catalogues that want to experiment on how to integrate Geospatial User Feedback tools can team up with us to allow this.
Find Your Farm Producer
TEAM LEADER: Sarka Horakova
TEAM MEMBERS: Ota Cerba, Karel Charvat, Jan Shanel, Simon Leitgeb, Raitis Berzins, Radana Saskova,
PROJECT IDEA: The goal of solution is to use SPOI database for promoting selling from the farm. The goal is to select relevant data in SPOI database and add also additional information from other available databases of primary producers offering their product from the farm.
There are expect two different Apps:
- Find your producer
- Publish my information
Mobile App for Open Land Use
TEAM LEADER: Michal Kepka
TEAM MEMBERS: Šimon Leitgeb, Dmitrij Kožuch
The aim of the project will be to develop mobile application using the Open Land Use (OLU) data set ( The mobile application will visualize OLU and current mobile position and it allow users to rectify content of the OLU at the attributes level. On the other hand in regions where OLU is not available yet, it will allow users to collect data to contribute to the OLU data set. The application will collect both attributes and geometries of spatial features. The solution will combine Cordova framework for mobile application, SensLog application for data collection and publishing and GeoServer for OLU publication.
Linked Data Generation
TEAM MEMBERS: Ota Cerba, Karel Jedlicka, Raitis Berzins, Dmitrij Kozuch…
Generate linked data from SPOI, OLU & OTM
- Define set of links among objects:
- SPOI X is inside of OLU area Y
- OLU are X is in NUTS Z
- SPOI X is in NUTS Z
- SPOI is near (define what is near) road Y
- Road X is crossing NUTS x
- Road X is crossing OLU area Y
- OLU area X is near (define what is near) of road Y
- ??????
- Decide, how we will build this relations, if using standard GI functionality or how (probably in large scale task for Hadoop or other technologies)
- Define some set of SparkSQL queries
- Prepare some simple visualisation
3D Open Land Use
TEAM LEADER: Karel Jedlicka
TEAM MEMBERS: Pavel Hajek, Raitis Berzins, Dmitrij Kozuch, Jiri Kvapil, Jan Shanel, Tomas Mildorf, Simon Leitgeb, …….
PROJECT IDEA: The main objective is to extended possibilities of HSLayers NG ( by integrating CESIUM 3D module ( and use Copernicus DEM ( and other available DEMs to support displaying Open Land Use map in 3D .
Open Land-Use Map is a composite map that is intended to create detailed land-use maps of various regions based on certain pan-European datasets such as CORINE Land Cover, Urban Atlas enriched by available national and regional data
The work will be divided into next steps:
- Integration of CESIUM with HSlayers NG
- Displaying Open Land Use on existing DEM offered by CESIUM
- Instaling own CESIUM server
- Publishing COPERNICUS DEM and other local DEMS on own CESIUM server
- Displaying Open Land Use using own DEM on own CESIUm server
Open Land Use Map 4 Africa
TEAM LEADER: Dmitrij Kožuch
TEAM MEMBERS: Dmitrij Kožuch, Ciaran Staunton, Jean Dominique Andriambahiny
PROJECT IDEA: Extend Open Land Use map for Africa (or at least selected countries) based on available data sources. As it is seen now, mostly the land used will be defined by Open Street Map dataset. The research of other alternative datasets have to be however also conducted beforehand.
Metadata Catalogue for the Open Land Use Map
TEAM LEADER: Dmitrij Kožuch
TEAM MEMBERS: Dmitrij Kožuch, Karel Charvat, Štěpán Kafka
PROJECT IDEA: The aim of the project is to publish metadata about the Open Land Use ( map dataset as a whole, as well as about the whole hierarchy of European NUTS units. Technologically the metadata will be published through MICKA metadata catalogue using both ISO19115/19119/19139 and GeoDCAT AP standard. As well as vector data for download – the various services will be published. It is also possible to try to publish metadata about RDF version of Open Land Use Map (
Using GeoDCAT AP Specification for Sharing Metadata in GEOSS and INSPIRE
This is one of the project ideas for the INSPIRE Hack 2017:
TEAM LEADER: Karel Charvat
TEAM MEMBERS: Stepan Kafka, Marek Splichal, Dmitrij Kozuch
PROJECT IDEA: The goal is to test different implementations of GeoDCAT AP which could be a basis for implementation of INSPIRE and GEOSS solutions and for sharing metadata between different projects (DataBio, NextGEOSS, etc). Please join our team. Register yourself and contact me