Webinar No. 3: Essential Biodiversity Variables and their metadata

Learn about the Essential Biodiversity Variables and their metadata. You’ll meet CKAN based data hub expert Wolfgang Ksoll, Biodiversity experts Stephan Hennekens and Elnaz Neinavaz, Marie-Francoise Voidrot from OGC and expert on standards, and Karel Charvat & Bente Lilja Bye from Plan4All and a number of H2020 projects!

TEAM 8: Exposing GUF Metadata as DUV in the GeoDCAT-ap Output of GeoNetwork

TEAM LEADER: Paul van Genuchten

TEAM MEMBERS: Looking for organisations that have GUF metadata (or other User Feedback on datasets)

PROJECT IDEA: In the scope of ‘ELISE tools’ the GUF (http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/guf) schema has recently been added to GeoNetwork (https://github.com/metadata101/guf10). GUF allows to store User Feedback linked to datasets. W3C has released a DUV schema (https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-duv) for User Feedback that links into DCAT. Goal of this project is to develop a DUV export of GUF as part of the GeoDCAT-ap export capability of GeoNetwork. And if feasible also create a schema.org/review output as part of the schema.org/Dataset annotations in the metadata HTML visualisation.

TEAM 7: Light Weighted INSPIRE Harmonization Using Metadata in GeoNetwork

TEAM LEADER: Paul van Genuchten

TEAM MEMBERS: Antonio Cerciello, … I’m looking for organisations that have non-harmonised datasets that are eligible for INSPIRE and are willing to go through a process of harmonisation using this light weighted approach.

PROJECT IDEA: These days many data providers implement INSPIRE data harmonization at the end of the data pipeline. The harmonized data is not used by the organisation itself. This approach has a big risk. In the harmonization process data may get lost or be placed out of context. In this experiment I want to experiment with a light weight harmonization approach based on linked data principles.

The idea is to extend the iso19110 feature catalog metadata of INSPIRE source datasets with references to relevant INSPIRE ontologies (https://github.com/inspire-eu-rdf/inspire-rdf-vocabularies) in such a way that any client software would be able to take the source dataset (as-is) combined with the extended iso19110 metadata to create basic INSPIRE GML.

This work builds on this project https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/wiki/Use-iso19110-in-GetFeatureinfo-response-visualisation


Plan4all in cooperation with OGC and several EU projects cordially invite you to the first webinar dedicated to the ORLÉANS/OGC INSPIRE Hackathon 2018.

Date: Friday, February 23rd

Time: 3pm CET

For more information and registration to the webinar, please visit the following page:
