Climatic Services for Africa
This is the first progress report of the team no 2 of the Nairobi INSPIRE Hackathon 2019. The team is led by Karel Jedlicka.
There are in total 83 team members registered, 11 of them are actively collaborating and contributing. The active members are from: Czechia (3x), Switzerland (2x), Zimbabwe (1x), Uganda (1x), Nigeria (1x) and Kenya (3x).
The team is currently working on a use case: a farmer uses meteorological data to plan maize planting and cultivation.
- The farmer sends a field position to the climate service
- The service returns
- Growth plan – a time interval when to start planting to maximize yield
- Nitrogen plan – a time interval when to insert nitrogen fertilisation to maximize its effect
- Insect pests alert – alert when a risk of insect pest attack is high
The team has defined the concept, team assigned roles and answered open questions. The implementation will take part during the second half of April 2019.
Here you can see the recording of the webinar taken a couple of week ago: