Project leader: Karel Charvat charvat(at)
Team members: Jan Vrobel, Jiri Vales, Raul Palma, Raitis Berzins, Karel Jedlicka, Vojtech Lukas, Michal Kraus, Tomas Reznik, Nicole Bartelds,
Ali Asmat, Daniel Stefl, Ghazal Ba Khadher
We are extending in the DataBio project the concept of the FOODIE data model and the FOODIE ontology. We are translating the Czech LPIS and part of the Polish LPIS into this ontology.
As part of the DataBio work were developed apps allowing semantic search and combination of LPIS data with other sets including satellite data (yield potential).
For desktop farming systems we need query the DataBio RDF data from QGIS. The focus of the pilot will be to test this concept.