Team: Daniel Beran, Jan Blahník, Petr Trnka, Eva Podzimková, Zuzana Soukupová, Jan Sháněl, František Kolovský, Jan Šťastný, Jan Martolos a Karel Jedlička, supported by Polivisu and DUET H2020 projects.
The goal of our team is to demonstrate how interactive traffic modelling can improve traffic planning in any city. The demonstration consists of gathering available data and deploying a Traffic Modeller App of Františkovy Lázně (city of 5K people in Czechia).
Traffic Modeler (TraMod) is a tool for transport modeling developed in collaboration between traffic engineers, IT and GIS specialists. It can be fully implemented in a server environment with an application programming interface (API) for mobile and web applications. This creates an opportunity for a city or a region’s government representatives to test various traffic scenarios within seconds without a need to install and learn how to use desktop traffic modelling software or contacting traffic engineers every time a new roadwork appears in the region.
Our workflow for Dubrovnik Hackathon is as follows:
- gather sufficient data about traffic network and about simulated traffic generators,
- calculate the traffic model and import it into a spatial database, where it can be accessed by our traffic modeler.
- this model will then be used for modeling specific traffic scenarios via traffic modeler’s Application Programming Interface (API) (see the image below)
The final step is to develop a web Graphical User Interface (GUI) similar to one already in action for the PoliVisu pilot city – Pilsen (see the image below or watch a video of TraMod in action). This application allows users to calculate various traffic scenarios (i.e. change free flow speed/capacity of road segment) in near real time via only a web browser with network connection.