We are ready to start the second part of Prague INSPIRE Hackathon – the so-called remote stage. You are invited to join the Prague INSPIRE hackathon. This stage is as indicated happening remotely (online, virtually, in cyber space). We have identified a set of challenges that you are encouraged to answer or contribute to solve during this remote stage of the hackathon commencing on 2nd December 2019 and ending 12th January 2020. See our inspiring challenges and how to join below. The final stage* of the hackathon will take place in Prague on 27 – 29 January 2020.
The goal of the Prague INSPIRE Hackathon 2020 is to promote utilisation of digital innovation hubs in agriculture and transport.
For more details about registration and challenges, please go to https://www.plan4all.eu/prague-inspire-hackathon-2020/