Mentor: Otakar Cerba
The PoliRural innovation hub will be a central real and virtual space, where all stakeholders (policymakers, public servant, regional development agencies, NGO, citizens, scientist, developers, data experts, planners) will meet and share their needs and achievements to improve policy and decision making on local, regional and eventually national level. The PoliRural Digital Innovation Hub will support sharing of information with other projects and initiatives. The Innovation Hub objectives are:
- offer access to data cross European NUT3 regions
- Offering other pna European Data sets like Open Land Use, Smart Point of Interest
- offer development environment based on Jupyter notebook and list of other tools supporting development of new applications
- HSlayers NG
Challenge Description: Web solution for attractiveness of regions
1. Development of web tool dealing with rural attractiveness data. The tool will use pre-prepared data. It will enable to filter data (select concrete data sets or group of data sets corresponding with an attribute of rural attractiveness) and to weight data (assign weight/importance to concrete data or groups of data sets).
2. Development of a live database following selected resources. The database will provide data for calculation of rural attractiveness, including providing information about the quality and reliability of data in particular NUTS3 regions
Special prize for best student in EU: coverage of cost related with participation on in situ part of Prague Hackathon including tickets and hotel