This is a description of Team no 6 of the Nairobi INSPIRE Hackathon 2019 led by Raul Palma, Esther Dzalé Yeumo, Runar Bergheim, Karel Charvat as mentors.
New digital technologies including Internet of things, big data, artificial intelligence, robotics and Earth observation are changing agriculture and moving agriculture to more information demanding. This requires sharing of data between different stakeholders in agri-food chains (farmers, service providers, advisors, food industry, machinery producers, etc). This doesn’t mean that all this data have to be open. Sharing data is not necessary opening all of them, part of the data can be available for certain groups of members in the chain and under restricted conditions.
The problem of sharing and exchanging data in agriculture has been studied for a long time. Such process is very labor intensive due the fact that most parts have either to be executed manually, and/or require farmers use different tools to manage monitoring and data acquisition on‐line in the field. The focus of this team will be on the following topics:
- Identify potential open data available for African farmers
- Cataloging available open data in a metadata system
- Analyse differences in sharing and opening data in the context of African agriculture
- Discuss potential standards feasible for African agriculture
- Discus existing data models, and how these models can fit for Africa
- Demonstrate possibilities of linked open data and linked data in the African agriculture context
Join this team no. 6 by registering at