TEAM LEADER: Karel Jedlička, Carl Gutbrod
PROJECT IDEA: Current climate zones maps are very generic : they show large areas and display some differences in topography. Things like seaside buffer zones, weather divides and South-North differences are not shown. The idea is to provide local agro-climatic maps by processing detailed EO data.
Proposed workflow:
- Define the Area of Interest (EU/World?)
- Discuss if it would help to divide the area of interest to current climate zones or to propose different segmentation (e.g. Watersheds?).
- Design a method of segmentation
- Design a method of calculation of of average, mean, min and max, slope, aspect and altitude morphometric characteristics to each particular zone defined by vector overlay (Climate zone/Watershed/Open Land Use Zone/whatever)
- Design a method of calculation of water buffers
- Do a pilot study on smaller area (such as one country) as a proof of concept