The workshop aims to present the latest technologies and standardisation efforts in the agricultural domain in relation to the INSPIRE directive, Agriculture Domain Working Group, Interest Group on Agricultural Data and beyond. The aim is to provide new insights in data collected in agriculture through various technologies including big data techniques and advanced visualisations.
In addition to that, the main focus will be on standardisation efforts that enable to tackle some of the challenges in data exchange and sharing. The workshop content is not limited to technology. The floor will be given to initiatives involved in tackling agriculture challenges, such as the Copernicus World Alliance.
The workshop will have a limited number of presentations that will be followed by moderated discussions aiming at sharing experience between workshop participants and getting ideas for new solutions to face agriculture challenges.
The workshop is organised by the DataBio project.
When: 5th September 2017, 2pm
Where: INSPIRE Conference, Kinzigallee 1, 77694 Kehl, Germany, Room C
Preliminary agenda:
- Workshop Introduction, introduction to DataBio – Tomas Mildorf/University of West Bohemia
- Agriculture Challenges, Existing Standardisation Efforts and DataBio Agriculture Pilots – Karel Charvat/Lesprojekt
- Copernicus World Alliance and Agriculture Activities – Emmanuel Mondon/Copernicus World Alliance
- Standardisation in Agriculture – the FOODIE Example – Tomas Reznik/Lesprojekt
- Exploitation Platforms in support of Agriculture Monitoring – Erwin Goor/VITO Remote Sensing
- Provisioning Arbitrary Algorithms in the Cloud in an Interoperable Way – Marie-Francoise Voidrot, Ingo Simonis/Open Geospatial Consortium
- Web based perspective visualization of Open Land Use and other agriculture related layers on top of a terrain model – Karel Jedlicka/University of West Bohemia
- Discussion led by Karel Charvat/Lesprojekt