3D Open Land Use is a pilot project which aims to display Open Land Use maps using a mapping app which integrates OpenLayers based HSlayers library with CesiumJS 3D mapping library.
HSlayers will provide user interface for layer switching , sharing of map, GetFeatureInfo requests etc. but CesiumJs will provide 3D object and terrain visualization supported by GPU.
We will substitute the default CesiumJs elevation model with EU-DEM which has higher resolution and experiment with building generation based on RUIAN dataset and differences between surface and elevation datasets.
One more avenue to explore will be creation of a phone sensor/camera based solution to control the 3D map and create an augmented reality view for easier navigation.
It the moment of writing a component for HSlayers has been started which synchronizes CesiumJs map viewport with HSlayers both ways and also imports WMS layers into Cesium map.
The development is done at https://github.com/hslayers/hslayers-ng/tree/master/examples/cesium
Demo is available at: http://ng.hslayers.org/examples/cesium