On Thursday, April 28, we co-organized a seminar in the Úhlava, o.p.s.
Its aim was to present pilot applications in the field of satellite and sensor data not only from the Pilsen region. Thank you to all the speakers and guests present for participating!
Other co-organizers of the event were: Úhlava, o.p.s., EUROPE DIRECT KLATOVY, Plan4All, z. s., WirelessInfo, Lesprojekt-služby, Czech Open Solutions Center spol. s r.o., Západočeská univerzita v Plzni and Šumavaprodukt s. r. o.
Below the photos from the event you will find individual presentations and the program of the event ( 20220428_DIH World-konf Final )
The seminar was held with the financial support of the DIH-World project funded under the European program H2020, grant agreement No. 952176
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