We are delighted to let you know that the Plan4all association, one of the 138 Participating Organizations of the Group on Earth Observation (GEO), has received a seat in the GEO Programme Board.
The GEO Programme Board supports the ongoing development and implementation of the GEO Strategic Plan 2016 – 2025: Implementing GEOSS through multi-year GEO Work Programmes.
Specifically, the GEO Programme Board:
- Works to ensure the overall coherence and alignment of the GEO Work Programmes with GEO’s Strategic Objectives and Core Functions;
- Works to align the scope and substance of tasks, GEO Initiatives and Flagships in the GEO Work Programme with the resources committed by Members and Participating Organizations;
- Supports and enables cross-cutting coordination and knowledge exchange, especially best practices; and
- Promotes GEO Work Programmes and engagement of stakeholders in their implementation.
Becoming a Participating Organisation of the GEO Programme Board is considered as a significant achievement and appreciation of our work and the work of our members.