Plan4all Recognised as a Digital Innovation Hub by the European Commission

The Plan4all digital innovation hub (DIH) has been approved by the EU as a fully operational DIH. The Plan4all DIH has been registered at the Smart Specialisation Platform (S3P) of the European Commission, which is a part of the Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3). The S3P platform should assists Member States and regions to develop, implement and review their RIS3 Strategies.

A part of the S3P platform is a catalogue of potential, in preparation and fully operational DIH. The Plan4all DIH became one of the 8 fully operational DIHs in the Czech Republic and one of the 398 DIHs in Europe.

The main services offered the Plan4all DIH include:

  • Ecosystem building, scouting, brokerage, networking
  • Collaborative research
  • Incubator/accelerator support
  • Education and skills development

For more details on the Plan4all DIH and the JRC catalogue of DIHs please visit the following website:

What is a Digital Innovation Hub?

A support facility that helps companies to become more competitive by improving their business/production processes as well as products and services by means of digital technology.

DIHs act as a one-stop-shop, serving companies within their local region and beyond to digitalise their business. They help customers address their challenges in a business-focused way.

The services available through a DIH:

  • Enable any business to test and experiment with digital innovations relevant to its products, processes or business models.
  • Broker between users and suppliers of digital innovations across the value chain.
  • Provide connections with training providers, investors, facilitate access to financing for digital transformations.

These services are of particular relevance to companies which currently have a relatively low level of digitisation.