Land use and land cover information in combination with other thematic datasets related to detailed reference spatial data in localities forms an important dataset for different analyzes in different domains. At present, when it comes to the strategy of Green Deal, Destination Earth and the construction of Earth’s twins (Digital Twins), there is no model and database that would effectively gather information about the Earth’s surface in sufficient detail and in sufficiently complex links. Our activity of creating a geographic database OpenLandUse aims to be an effective step towards such a model. The OLU 2.0.0 database combines various thematic data with the most detailed reference geometry available in a given area. Thematic data sets are focused on information on soil cover, soils, topographic or climatic parameters, etc. and in different time periods. The model also supports the possibility of integrating data obtained by evaluating remote sensing data.
The database covers selected territorial units with a seamless layer, which provides information on various topics on selected reference geometry, which can be a cadastral map, LPIS soil blocks or even elements of the Corine Land Cover data set.
The original purpose of the database was mainly in analyzes for spatial planning and investment, agriculture, landscape development, etc. Our current ambition is to create a model and database that will support the creation of various models of landscape development and scenarios and support the building of large-scale digital models.
The aim of the Challenge is to verify the new OLU 2.0.0 model in various areas of human activity, so we are looking for specialists from various areas of human activity, programmers, remote sensing experts, public administration, land planners, farmers, foresters, nature conservation, real estate experts, business, investments and the like.
***The registration for this challenge opens on 1st April***
Registration link will be available at
The mentors for this challenge are:
KRISTYNA CERBOVA Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague. She works now as a communication manager in ROSIE project – Research and responsible innovation (Central Europe). Experience in education, languages, social sciences with a special focus on philosophy, history and archival science (2005-2007 digitalization activities in the National Archives of the Czech Republic). She works for other Plan4all H2020 projects such as LIVERUR or SIEUSOIL focusing mainly on smart agriculture topics.
KAREL CHARVAT graduated in theoretical cybernetics. He is a member of International Society for Precision Agriculture, Research Data Alliance, vice chair of Club of Ossiach, CAGI, and CSITA. He was in period 2005 – 2007 President of European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture Food and Environment (EFITA). Now is chair of OGC Agriculture DWG. He was organiser on many hackathons, where as most important were series of INSPIRE Hacks and MEDHackathon. He work on implementation on national INSPIRE Geoportal. Now he is also active in Plan4all association. He has long time experience in ICT for Environment, transport, Agriculture and Precision Farming. Now he is one from promoters of Open and Big Data in Agriculture in Europe. Participation in projects: Wirelessinfo, Premathmod, EMIRES, REGEO, RuralWins, Armonia, aBard, EPRI Start, Ami@netfood, AMI4For, Voice, Naturnet Redime, Mobildat, SpravaDat, Navlog, c@r, Humboldt, WINSOC, Plan4all, Habitats, Plan4business, SmartOpenData, FOODIE, SDI4Apps, AgriXchange, FOODIE, SDI4Apps, OTN, DataBio, EO4AGRO, EUXDAT, SmartAgriHub, SKIN and other projects.