Research Data Alliance just launched their final RDA EU 4.0 round of Open Calls for the Early Career and Expert grants designed to support participation to the 15th RDA Plenary in Melbourne, Australia.

Call for Early Career Researchers and Scientists working with Data –
RDA Europe is seeking applications from students and early career professionals from higher education or research institutions with studies focusing on research data sharing and exchange challenges. The Early Career support programme will offer up to seven grants of maximum €2400. The RDA Europe Early Career programme provides financial support as well as an opportunity for early career researchers working with data to share ideas, experiences and practical advice, and learn what leading data scientists and practitioners in their fields are currently working on.
Call for Researchers and Data Experts –
The purpose of the expert grants is to encourage and support participation of individuals who have a strong interest in RDA, and are drivers or adopters of the RDA outputs to enable data sharing by or from their project or organization. If you are a mid-career or senior data professional or scientist, interested or already committed to RDA activities you can apply for one of five grants of maximum €2400 to support your participation to the 15th Plenary meeting.
The submission deadline for both is the 3rd of February 2020, 17:00 CET.
RDA Europe aims for balanced distribution of grants across all European regions and strongly encourages applicants from EU13 countries in this final call for Early Careers and Experts available under the RDA Europe 4.0 project. EU13 countries are: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.