During next OGC Technical Committee meeting in Toulouse France there are planned two workshops related to Agriculture organized by Agriculture DWG:
Workshop dedicated to AgriSemantic – November 19th, 10:15 AM – 12:00 PM (Salle Diamant)
Indicative program:
- Raul Palma (PSNC) – Talk about Linked Data involving hybrid services in agriculture (from CYBELE)
- Daniel Martini, Katharina Albrecht (KTBL) – Towards semantic approaches in geospatial data modeling and standards: Case studies in the agricultural domain in Germany
- Martin Klopfer (OGC Europe) – Semantic data sharing in DEMETER
- Karel Charvat (Plan4all) – Semantic metadata for agriculture?
You can also access the workshop online on
Workshop dedicated to Earth Observation (EO) for Agriculture Needs – November 19th, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM (Salle Diamant)
Indicative program:
- Laurent Clergue (ATOS) – Potentials of the DIAS to increase the modeling of agriculture: the Mundi example
- Stephan Meißl (EOX) – EO4AGRI work in Task 3.5 (ICT support for Agri Monitoring, in particular DIAS utilization).
- Peter Baumann (Rasdaman) – OGC WCPS for Agricultural Datacube Analytics
- Raul Palma (PSNC) – Exposing ESA catalogues as Linked Data (Databio)
- Nino Pace (Space, Defence and Intelligence CGI Italy s.r.l ) – ESA Food Security TEP
- Karel Charvat (Plan4all) – Yield potential for agriculture
You can also access the workshop online on