Help to Map Public Sector Data Literacy Across Europe …

PoliVisu, an EU H2020 initiative, is gathering EU-wide evidence on the current level of knowledge and understanding of the use of data – in particular big data – by public authorities and their service organisations.

We want to understand how data is currently used so we can start to develop an easy to adopt framework for using data within current policy-making cycles.  The framework aims to make it easier to involve multiple interest groups in local policy-making by showcasing potential impacts of policy options using advanced analytics and visualisations.

Our short questionnaire focuses on the use of big data for policy making and experimentation purposes, within an area of interest that includes but is not limited to mobility and transport.

The survey results will be processed anonymously. The report will discuss only aggregated outcomes.

The survey is available at:

Thank you in advance for your time

The PoliVisu Team