The report summarizes the outputs achieved in Challenge #1 of the COVID-19 INSPIRE Hackathon during the first part of the event.
- Challenge #1 Shared Workspace (complete information about activities in the challenge)
- The final goals of the challenge:
- Main goal:
- To develop the advanced catalogue of educational materials (best practices, educational documents, application, services, other resources…) suitable for remote teaching/learning in the EBAG domain.
- Secondary goals
- To present results in the events organized in the hackathon.
- To create an active group of co-workers (developers, testers, data providers, feedback providers, etc.).
- To implement advanced techniques (such as searching similarities through clusters, links to controlled vocabularies, etc.) to enrich the catalogue.
- To interconnected with contemporary trends such as Responsible Research and Innovation, FAIR data (findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability), Linked Open Data or international standards.
- To figure out and arrange the sustainability of the solution.
- Main goal:
- Brainstorming session on Jamboard
- Catalogue for EBAG Education
- Table with data – the current version contains 65 items from 3 providers (Czechia, Tunisia)
- The data model of the catalogue based on Dublin Core and other standards, respecting Linked Open Data approach and Responsible Research and Innovation principles
Initial attempts with categorized data (metadata) clustering for searching homogeneities and similarities