In case you missed webinar dedicated to Mobilizing Capacity Development in Agriculture for Smallholder Farmers: How to bridge the digital divide by Foteini Zampati (GODAN), Suchith Anand (GODAN), Kiringai Kamau (GODAN) and Valeria Pesce (FAO), do not panic – you have an excellent opportunity to replay this webiar!
All presenstations available here:
Ethical and legal questions about smart farming. How do farmers feel about their data? from plan4all
Mobilizing Capacity Development in Agriculture for Smallholder Farmers – How to bridge the digital divide? from plan4all
Codes of conduct for farm data sharing: Rationale, review, recommendations – Valeria Pesce (FAO)
Bridging the Digital Divide Through Consumer Driven Agricultural FarmHub Data Sourcing – Kiringai Kamau (GODAN)