On Monday 7th October 2019, there was a meeting between some of the Plan4all members and the Pilsen Region. The aim of this meeting was to introduce the Plan4all association and its activities done via its members and to discuss potential calls in Horizon 2020 next year where Pilsen Region could play a role. The Plan4all members included the University of West Bohemia, Help Service and Remote Sensing, Czech Centre for Science and Society, WirelessInfo and Úhlava o.p.s.

Member’s presentations were divided into three sections:
1. Transport and infrastructure
2. Regional development and education
3. Climate changes, agricultural applications, sensors and innovation hubs.
From the transport and infrastructure section there was presented the Traffic Modeller – an output of the PoliVisu project. Help Service and Remote
Sensing introduced The Application for Transport Services of the Liberec Region
– IDOL and optical fibre management system.
In the section devoted to regional development and education, the Peregrinus Silva Bohemica project was presented including the partners involved in this project – the University of West Bohemia, Úhlava o.p.s. and Deggendorf Institute of Technology.
WirelessInfo introduced themselves through the work on the projects related to food economy: SKIN (Short supply chain Knowledge and Innovation Network), ENABLING (Enhance New Approaches in BioBased Local Innovation Networks for Growth) and the Liverur project that identifies living labs as innovative business models that are currently being developed in rural areas. The solution for selling farm products was presented and a cooperation with the Pilsen Region was discussed. The PoliRural project was also presented in this section.
The last section was dedicated to projects including EUXDAT, DataBio and AFarCloud with the focus on sensor technologies. Last part was dedicated to Innovation hubs and the SmartAgriHubs project.
The meeting was concluded with a discussion about possible implementation of results in the Pilsen Region and about cooperation on potential future projects in the frame of H2020.